On Spreading Gospel Light And Tearing Plastic

God inspires us in the strangest ways sometimes. Opening a stubborn package made me ponder how light and truth are slowly tearing through our dark world.

On Spreading Gospel Light And Tearing Plastic.jpg

Hooray! I’m using my own pictures again! šŸ˜€

Whoo, I haven’t had a morning study this fulfilling in a long time. Really took my sweet time with it today. I got caught up in the chapters of Isaiah, particularly chapter 29, which overlaps with 2 Nephi 27. Comparing the two, however, this is without a doubt one of the most altered/damagedĀ chapters in the Bible. The 2 Nephi version has a lot of extra details that make Isaiah’s words so much clearer.

Flipping through the Institute manuals, I took in so much info that I’m honestly not sure where to start. I suppose I’ll just start writing and let the promptings come as I do.

Ironically, the answer comes after I spend some time with my family. I took a short trip to the local art store with my mom and my sister, and spotted a really pretty calendar while there. It has beautiful images of sunsets and forests and similar things, and each month comes with a quote from the Psalms. So I snagged it,Ā cuzĀ I need a new one anyway. Especially if it has beautiful pictures. šŸ˜€

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