Finding Spiritual Guidance In The Oddest Places

Hazy Red Tropical Flowers

There’s a reason I read the Book of Mormon every day. Don’t discount something just by what you hear. You may be missing out.

Alright, I’m writing this one more to my Christian friends today. And I’m just gonna cut to the chase this time. Because I know a lot of Christians claim “Mormons are not Christians,” and frankly, I’m sick of it. Seriously. How many of you have actually asked an LDS Christian what we believe? How many of you have even touched a Book of Mormon, much less read a page from it? Do you have any idea…ANY idea…what it’s about, beyond the rumors you’ve heard?

I wasn’t going to write about this initially, but I really felt like I should. I used to be a non-denominational Christian. By the common definitions, I was Christian before I converted. But I had huge holes in my understanding of God and the scriptures, serious enough that I couldn’t even read the Bible. It filled me with anger to even try. Spiritually speaking, I was in a very dark place. It wasn’t something I could get out of on my own. Trust me, I tried.

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