The Restoration Of The Gospel

Through the prophet Joseph Smith, we’ve regained so many lost truths that the world doesn’t even dream of. We can’t take that for granted!

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Alrighty! Another beautiful Sabbath day draws to a close, and I look forward to getting to see my beloved in the morning. Monday is P-Day for him, so yeah. He’s coming home really soon too, in just a few weeks! Y’all can join me on the countdown if you want. Today marks 19 days before he gets home! X3

Anyway. As it’s Sunday, I always try to post something about church, and today, church was wonderful. I fasted today for help with a lot of things, and Heavenly Father helped me tremendously. I received signs, guidance, and a full spiritual recharge. It’s been a good day. ^^

Church was kinda funny too. I’m my ward’s bulletin specialist, so I’m in charge of making those little programs that tell you where all the upcoming events will be. While doing that, I stumbled across an amazing talk about Joseph Smith and the Restoration of the Gospel. And, lo and behold, the very first speaker at church was referencing that exact talk! I mean, wow. God works in mysterious ways. Guess I know what to talk about, huh! XD

For those of you who want to see the talk, it’s by Tad R. Callister, called Joseph Smith – Prophet of the Restoration. And it’s exactly what it sounds like; it’s talking about Joseph Smith, and how God used him to restore the missing parts of the gospel. Those things that were lost over time, things that the Bible either doesn’t show clearly, or doesn’t show at all. And not just side-details either! These are really important things!

Honestly, the whole talk is excellent, and I could just go on and on about it. But I’m just gonna summarize for y’all. Thank God for Joseph Smith. It’s the only way we could’ve gotten a guy like him. 😉

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