You Do More Good Than You Know

After looking back on a really lousy day, I realized some good still came from it somehow. Even on our roughest days, God can work through us to touch the lives of those around us.


 Alrighty! Sorry for missing a post again, y’all. I’m not perfect, and yesterday was a rough day. But that’s what I’m gonna talk about. After having an extra-long scripture study this morning, and feeling my sanity has been restored- XD it still stuck out as the thing I wanted to talk about most. Cuz it was “one of those days” for me. You know, when after making a ton of progress and growing so much as a person, you just have that one day where, for 24 hours, you relapse into a lot of stupid stuff you thought you’d outgrown a long time ago. Yeah. Yesterday sucked.

So why do I wanna talk about something like that? Well, there’s a silver lining, don’t worry. The irony being, after saying my evening prayers, when I looked back on my day…it still sucked. But, I realized I’d accomplished more than I thought.  Heavenly Father had given me two chances to uplift other people instead. Despite how fried I was, physically and emotionally, he was still able to use me to help someone else.

Continue reading “You Do More Good Than You Know”

Through Fire And Water: Baptism And The Second Coming

In the same way that the we are cleansed by water and fire through baptism, so the world has been, and will also be, at the Second Coming – but not in the way you might expect.

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Alrighty! I’ve got a short but interesting thought for y’all today. I really took my sweet time with scripture today, to the point where I honestly dunno what to focus on. Sure needed that today tho. It’s been a rough morning. I’ve had to fight a war with fire ants all week, and a sick cat leaving messes all over the house for me. It’s been a rough morning.

It’s days like this that I’m grateful for the holy scriptures. Sometimes you just need to take your sweet time with the scriptures and ignore the clock for a while. It’s been a while since I gave myself that luxury. Clearly I needed it today. However, I’m not gonna share something from my actual studies today. Instead, I’ll talk about something fun I realized at church two days ago, while learning about the Second Coming, and the way the world will be prepared – and is being prepared – for the return of Jesus Christ.

Continue reading “Through Fire And Water: Baptism And The Second Coming”