2 Nephi: Religious Freedom In America

Though the state of religious freedom in the US is unnerving, God promised his Church won’t be lost ever again. It helps to remember that.

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Alrighty! It’s off to a new day, and after a nerve-wracking trip to the dentist, I’m apparently all good! Yay! *PHEW*

So, this morning I was reading from 2 Nephi 2, which is just a classic chapter, because it clarifies so many beautiful truths that we don’t get hardly at all in the Bible. Referring to my Institute manual was also very helpful today. Seriously, if you want to get more out of your studies, open up an Institute manual whenever you do your reading. It helps a lot. It really does.

Speaking of Institute manuals, credit goes to that manual today. I had a deeply reassuring realization today, one that’s given me greater confidence for the future of America as a free society. I know some days, it’s easy to look ahead with a sense of grimness, with all these antagonistic forces rising up in the States. I’ve fallen prey to that as well. But after reading what I did, I don’t think we need to worry at all. Not even, really, from a temporal point of view.

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Religious Freedom – Where’s The Respect?

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The Church released a great video on religious freedom that reminds us how to maintain our rights and freedoms while respecting our pluralistic society.

Alright, let’s get straight to the point today. I had a great scripture study this morning, and I was gonna write about something from that, but instead, my sweetheart sent me a video I really needed to see. So I’m gonna talk about that.

Religious freedom is a topic that’s been burning on my mind lately. The trends our country has been taking with it is scary. Some days, I look ahead to the future, and wonder if my children or grandchildren will face the persecution the Saints did in the 1800s. It’s terrifying. So many angry voices, bent on getting what they want, even if they have silence those who don’t accept what they do. I imagine you can think of a few of these yourself.

I don’t care what your religious background is. This is an issue for all of us. If we give one side greater legal protection – any side at all, I don’t care who – then everyone else becomes the minority. Even if you think your beliefs will be respected, or that they aren’t related to an issue, it won’t matter if trends continue as they are. Someone’s gonna be unhappy with you at some point. And then they’ll try to take your rights too. If we let them do it to one group, what’s to stop them from coming after you next?

In light of this, I found great hope in watching the Church’s video, Respecting Our Differences While Defending Religious Freedom. Everyone should watch this, even if you’re not LDS; it’s relevant to everyone. The gist of the video is that a young woman faces a bitter attack on her religion by a classmate. After that, she seeks advice on what to do, and eventually befriends the antagonist by showing her that she wants them both to be able to live their beliefs, not force others to do what she believes. It’s an excellent video, and it’s very true to life, not hammy in any way. I highly recommend it.

Once you’ve watched the video, you’ll probably be just as impressed by Samantha’s example as I was. It’s hard to respond with kindness and respect when people are throwing spears at you. And even if those aren’t literal spears, they can still pierce one’s heart painfully. But, people are people, and humans weren’t meant to be enemies. There’s a connection we all have to each other, deep down, and if we reach for it, we can pull it back out.

That grumpy classmate or coworker isn’t like ISIS, after all. They’re not so far gone that they can’t be reasoned with. Many of them are just running on anger, or ugly rumors, things we can correct if we’re patient enough to show them what we really believe. And we need to live what we believe. We need to protect their rights just as much as ours. As they say, keep your friends close, keep your enemies close, and treat them exactly the same. Pretty soon, you won’t have any enemies. Very few people are so cruel that they’ll turn on someone who genuinely loves and respects them. And if they do, well…then you know who you’re really dealing with, I guess.

Love your enemies, Jesus taught us. It’s easy to see enemies in people who don’t believe what you do. Everyone seems to fall prey to this at some point; I know I have. In our turbulent society, it’s easy to feel like people are personally out to get you, to shame you or sabotage your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. But a lot of them are just as afraid you’ll do that to them. We need to show them that’s not our goal. We need to live that goal.

Watching that video helped me remember this when I needed it most. I hope it helps you too. If we must disagree, let’s at least be friends who disagree. We can live and let live without attacking and oppressing each other. In time, the oppressor’s conscience always awakens to realize what he has really done. Let’s not fall prey to that. Let’s not let hate control us.