2 Nephi: Religious Freedom In America

Though the state of religious freedom in the US is unnerving, God promised his Church won’t be lost ever again. It helps to remember that.

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Alrighty! It’s off to a new day, and after a nerve-wracking trip to the dentist, I’m apparently all good! Yay! *PHEW*

So, this morning I was reading from 2 Nephi 2, which is just a classic chapter, because it clarifies so many beautiful truths that we don’t get hardly at all in the Bible. Referring to my Institute manual was also very helpful today. Seriously, if you want to get more out of your studies, open up an Institute manual whenever you do your reading. It helps a lot. It really does.

Speaking of Institute manuals, credit goes to that manual today. I had a deeply reassuring realization today, one that’s given me greater confidence for the future of America as a free society. I know some days, it’s easy to look ahead with a sense of grimness, with all these antagonistic forces rising up in the States. I’ve fallen prey to that as well. But after reading what I did, I don’t think we need to worry at all. Not even, really, from a temporal point of view.

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